Rehabilitation Teaching (Vision Rehabilitation Therapy)

Rehabilitation Teaching (Vision Rehabilitation Therapy) is the educational process that prepares a consumer to perform daily living tasks safely and independently in any environment.

Rehabilitation Teachers (Vision Rehabilitation Therapists) instruct consumers to use their compensatory skills paired with assistive technology to enable them to live safe, productive, and independent lives. Specialized teaching services, including simple devices and techniques, can improve the quality of life for consumers. Reasonable goals are discussed. Services are planned and provided based on the consumer’s individual needs, interests, and aptitudes.

Specific areas of instruction taught by Rehabilitation Teachers (Vision Rehabilitation Therapists) may include:

Home Maintenance and Management

  • Use of contrast as well as tactile markings for appliances and household items
  • Cooking, kitchen organization, safety, and appliance use
  • Household organization, cleaning, and labeling techniques

Personal Management

  • Self-care (grooming, clothing organization, and care)
  • Medication identification/management
  • Orientation to time
  • Budget and record keeping
  • Money management

Recreational and Leisure Activities

  • Talking books (BARD, Perkins Talking Book Library, Newsline)
  • Hobbies (crafting, sewing, etc.)
  • Massachusetts Audio Information Network

Communication Systems

  • Telephone/basic smartphone use
  • Handwriting
  • Braille skills

Maximization of the Use of Residual Vision

  • Effective use of low vision devices
  • Functional vision assessment
  • Magnification and lighting
  • Optical and non-optical devices

Assistive Technology Assessment

  • Keyboarding skills
  • Use of screen magnification and screen reading software
  • Smartphone applications

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